1• Achieve confident humility ✅that sweet spot of confidence where you’re confident of attaining a goal in the future, but are humble about your existing tools/methods. 2• Embrace mistakes, 💯Such that errors and mistakes become a helpful part of your learning and discovery process. 3• Leverage constructive conflict, 👉Whereby you seek out constructive conflict and invite others to challenge your thinking. 4• Keep rethinking your future, ✅where you avoid identity foreclosure, use regular “life checkups” to adjust your path, and find happiness without actively seeking it. 5• Treat debates as dances not battles Persuasion is like dancing: you need to choreograph steps and adjust to your partner so both sides can move in 6• Reduce prejudices with counterfactual thinking. 👉🏻Biases and prejudices can present real obstacles to communication, rethinking and change. ✅ prejudice and stereotypes to open people’s minds to alternatives. Learn the strategies that separate expert negotiators from average ones, and apply them to influence others more effectively. 7• Motivate change with better questions and listening skills. 👉🏻People may resist an idea not because they disagree with it, but because they resent your attempt to influence or change them. 8• Highlight nuances and complexities. 👉🏻Help others to shift away from binary black-or-white, either-or perspectives. ✅Recognize the full spectrum of options and perspectives with varying shades of grey, including the emotional complexity in yourself and others. 9• Teach children to think and rethink. 💯Use a range of strategies to cultivate mental agility from young. 10• Build learning cultures and learning organizations. ✅Learn to incorporate 2 core ingredients—psychological safety and accountability —so people feel safe to experiment, challenge one another and seek excellence.